Firstly, what is the difference between a mentor and a coach?

Mentoring, particularly in the traditional sense, enables an individual to follow in the path of an older and wiser colleague who can pass on knowledge, experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities.

Coaching on the other hand is not generally performed on the basis that the coach has direct experience of their client’s formal occupational role. Unless the coaching is specific and skills focused.

In a world filled with mentors and coaches offering you the world, what do they offer, and can it help you?

Let’s talk about what you need first:
Understanding your budget? Remember the more expensive does not necessarily mean they are the best. Also, a mentor could be someone you know who has more experience, someone you admire, or it could be a peer who is happy to have a coffee and a chat.
What area are you looking at to improve? Marketing, Processes and Procedures, Budgets and Finance, Social media, Mindset, Life, Career or general business?
What are your expectations and goals around getting a coach? Do you have specific goals you want to achieve? What are they precisely?
How often do you want contact with them?
Do you expect someone with relevant experience in their field and if so how much? Is it time based? Ie 5 years vs 10-years’ experience, or is it success based, or education based? or maybe your going for the trifecta?
Have they had success in their field? For example, if you are looking for Social Media advice, check their social media, are they achieving success in their socials?
Do they have recommendations or current clients you can talk to?
Is the right fit someone to hash things out with, a listener who helps you to come to your own conclusions?
Do you need someone who keeps you accountable?
Get the right Coach
For you to get the right coach you also must know what it is that you want out of your sessions and search for a coach or mentor that suits your requirements.

If you are a task orientated person you are going to want someone who can set, you targets to achieve. But if you are a visual person you should ask if they can communicate in a visual way to help you understand the next steps forward in your business. When you are a disorganised person do they help you with organisational skills or different ways to do things.

If you find the right coach or mentor, you will feel an almost immediate shift in how you approach your business or how you conduct your business. You should also see a return on your investment with that coach or mentor and see value for money. If it doesn’t feel right or you are not seeing any results within 2 months, then maybe this particular coach or mentor is not the right fit for you and what you need.

Why not take a look at our Networking page for your prospective coach or mentor.